Fauquier County Virtual Meeting with the GOP Committee
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95949602359?pwd=UGhtOWtoNzdRZDFRM3VMWWprWUlQZz09Meeting ID: 959 4960 2359 Passcode: 042021
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95949602359?pwd=UGhtOWtoNzdRZDFRM3VMWWprWUlQZz09Meeting ID: 959 4960 2359 Passcode: 042021
Located at: Rosa's Italian Restaurant, 2470 Anderson Hwy, Powhatan
Located at: 5742 George Washington Memorial Hwy, Yorktown
Located at: The Electric Palm Restaurant, 12745 Sea Ray Lane, Woodbridge
Located at: 707 E. Franklin St., Richmond
Location: Stuart Farmers Market, 310 Patrick Ave, Stuart
Location: Rania's Restaurant Bar & Grill, 147 E Main, Martinsville
Location: Callaway Church of God, 5185 Callaway Rd
Location: 501 E Jefferson, Charlottesville
Location: Zino's Restaurant, 850 Old George Washington Hwy N, Chesapeake
Location: 220 Community Lane, Appomattox