Vote Amanda Chase for Virginia’s 10th Senatorial District representing 10 counties:
We Need to Send Amanda Chase Back to the Virginia Senate
You can trust Amanda.
She has a conservative 8 year voting record you can trust 100 percent of the time
Pro-America First
Senator Amanda Chase has a 8 year voting record to prove she’s a fierce defender of our Constitutional rights and freedoms.
Click to See Amanda’s Voting Record:
- Virginia Family Foundation — Perfect Voting Record
- Virginia Citizens Defense League — Lifetime Perfect Voting Record
She is not only a defender of the Second Amendment; she carries. Senator Chase has a perfect score with both the NRA and VCDL.
Senator Chase has one of the strongest conservative voting records in the Virginia Senate. Promises made. Promises kept.
She consistently introduces legislation and votes in support of term limits, eliminating outside money from influencing our Virginia elections, protecting and defending the Second Amendment, the First Amendment, personal and religious freedoms, medical freedom to include freedom from mask mandates and vaccine passports and reopening of our schools and businesses.
She is also pro-parental rights, pro-school choice, pro-election integrity, pro-God, pro-life, pro-business, pro-veteran, pro-law enforcement and pro-rule of law. Senator Chase is for freedom, not mandates that make life more difficult.
Senator Chase is currently spearheading the national election integrity caucus in an effort to restore confidence in our elections by calling for a reinstitution of the safeguards that were taken off of our elections in 2020 due to covid to include requiring a photo ID to vote.